Monday, December 10, 2012

'Cyber Bullying No More' gains traction!

Thank you, Cyrus Webb, for including 'cyber bullying no more: Parenting A High Tech Generation' in your list of 100 best books for 2012!!  And, thank you for demonstrating concern for a topic that continues to harm our youth!

Attention Parents and Guardians!  Start protecting your kids from cyber bullying and preventing its spread!  Today, download a "Family Online Contract" from one of the following sources!

Family Online Internet  Safety Contract -  (click 'Parents', click 'Contract')

Family Contract for Online Safety - (click 'pledges' and print)

Also, for additional safety tips, go to Keeping Kids Safe -

Remember, like most issues in parenting, doing the HARD WORK UP FRONT saves everyone from tremendous HEARTACHE IN THE END.

Parents and Teens: Are We Addicted To Our Screens?

How Screen Dependence Is Impacting Children and Families In recent years there has been a growing body of evidence that Internet Add...